Monday, November 7, 2011

Political Correctness

Political correctness is running rampant through the church today. And the result is that it is holding the church hostage with regard to speaking some very unpleasant Biblical truths, truths that need to be proclaimed.

I think the greatest “perceived” value in American society today is tolerance, but it’s a different type of tolerance then I grew up with. When I was growing up, tolerance meant that you tolerated somebody who had a different viewpoint than yours or a different lifestyle. But today, tolerance means you must not only tolerate them but you must endorse what they believe and how they act. You must say it is “ok”.

W.A. Criswell once made the statement that his biggest aggravation was people who say “yes I believe the Bible”, but they only believe those portions that they agree with.

I believe as William Watkins wrote in his book The New Absolutes, it is time for Christians to engage in a renewed intolerance.

I believe we need to become more intolerant. By intolerance I’m not talking about unleashing hatred upon people. I’m simply saying it’s time to refuse to allow error to masquerade as truth. It’s time for an intolerance that is willing to stand up and call evil, evil and good, good. That’s what we have been called to do as Christians; compassionately, yes, but conventionally say “this is what God says”. This is Gods truth for all who will accept it. And I believe it time for us to be the light and the salt that Jesus Christ commanded us to be in a world that is becoming increasingly dark and decadent.

~In Him, JLS

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